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In the night wind which toward dawn does grow
more chilling and thus gives the heart a stress
I left the house were I was born and brought
to start my way into the uncertain world;
faint wings I moved with faint untrained limbs
but merry a soul I carried and a faith
in wit, in time in studies’ effort spent,
in bravery of which I was endowed:
so steps were light and bright my eyes were too,
for I brought also in me the faith in God.
Look me, my child, by now that I have spent
almost all life in a deep struggle for
getting by force what I thought come with love,
creeping along where I had dreamt to walk,
suffering wrongs and scorns, pulling the reins,
for bravery and gallantry were nought,
nor competence or skill or working mind
but deference and vain flattering words
and blind acquiescence were the winning tools.
Will I suggest to own those evil things?
My child, when I look deeply into my glass
may it be full of water or of wine
I see reflected in it’s shiny end
a Man’s face worn with labour, not with lies.
And even if I didn’t reach the top
I’m proud to say that all the path I won
was done alone, in spite of evil storms
against steep cliffs and with a smiling look. |
Opera pubblicata ai sensi della Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633, Capo IV, Sezione II, e sue modificazioni. Ne è vietata qualsiasi riproduzione, totale o parziale, nonché qualsiasi utilizzazione in qualunque forma, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore.
La riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore è punita con le sanzioni previste dagli art. 171 e 171-ter della suddetta Legge.
Non ci sono messaggi in bacheca. |