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Gli ultimi 5 iscritti: ac autore - Valeria Viva - GiuseppeGiannotti - Marta Paolantonio - Antonio Ivor Boatti |
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I believe that this my life
it is brutally empty without you,
and this is my guilt.
Bad this gray day,
painted only from my tears,
and this is my fear.
Everyone of us sees the gray sky,
in this terrible life,
and this is my sorrow.
Lake of my feelings,
why don't you dry my spirit?
And this is my pretension.
I will change tomorrow,
because in the deep,
my heart is right.
And this is my hope.
End of my spirit,
I looking at the end of
my beauty days.
And this is my complain.
Valiant is the rainbow,
it fights clouds in my soul,
and it has the face of innocence,
and this is my joy.
End of the rain,
I gaze at the sky
with the eyes of a child,
that believes in his future.
And this is my prayer.
I will be different,
because I believe in stars,
they illuminate my choices,
and this is my certainty.
Naked under the sky
I can only hope
the rainbow will dress me,
and this is my future.
Magic on this day,
every tear is passing,
lost in my memories,
and this is a new down.
End of this story
of the birth of a new love.
Will i find someone
that loves the rainbow?
And she will be my life. |
Opera pubblicata ai sensi della Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633, Capo IV, Sezione II, e sue modificazioni. Ne è vietata qualsiasi riproduzione, totale o parziale, nonché qualsiasi utilizzazione in qualunque forma, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore.
La riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore è punita con le sanzioni previste dagli art. 171 e 171-ter della suddetta Legge.
«Le prime lettere di ogni stanza formano le parole:”I BELIEVE IN ME”.Questa è la seconda parte della trilogia”Sense of liberty”.» |
Non ci sono messaggi in bacheca. |
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