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The rose so perfect, so fragile yearly it grows freely.
A rose is given to family and friends,
A bond, a love that withstands all, it never ends
No other flower can compare.
Its colors are variant from, white, yellow, pink, and red
The rose appears and feels so velvet to the touch, similar to a woman's sweet scent.
A rose is a delight whether it stands alone, or in array
A bouquet.
We can sense its beauty
A vision of grace.
As the rose adorns any space.
Poets and authors write of it.
The rose. In all of its magnificence, its impressiveness.
For, it is so grand and glorious.
Its fragrances and scents are significant.
Lovers give a rose to hide their pain, it makes their heart content,
wondering where their connection went.
The rose for the miracle of life, a child is born.
A rose provides comfort and solace for those we mourn.
giving a rose away when one is having a grey day, will bring a smile to their face.
that no person can ever erase.
A rose is remembering, a rose is for love, a rose for peace, a rose for health,
A rose for today, for our tomorrows.
A rose for our youthfulness and a rose for our sorrows |
Opera pubblicata ai sensi della Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633, Capo IV, Sezione II, e sue modificazioni. Ne è vietata qualsiasi riproduzione, totale o parziale, nonché qualsiasi utilizzazione in qualunque forma, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore.
La riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'autorizzazione dell'Autore è punita con le sanzioni previste dagli art. 171 e 171-ter della suddetta Legge.
Non ci sono messaggi in bacheca. |