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Gli ultimi 5 iscritti: ac autore - Valeria Viva - GiuseppeGiannotti - Marta Paolantonio - Antonio Ivor Boatti |
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My life
is on show
if you pass on here
I do not sell anything
that you already have
I can give you
a bit of me
and when
you'll watching on the clouds
full of tears
you will remember my song
you know my life
is like a morning
in autumn
slowly fades
but still brings itself
the heat of your smiles
you have been passing
like a wake
as the applause
I will sing something
about you
and when I'll watching at the sky
without more the words
i'll remember your absence
my life
escapes between the notes
diamonds without light
you're passed
and I that day
I lived a thousand years |
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Pagine: 132 - € 10,00 Anno: 2012 - ISBN: 9781471686061