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Gli ultimi 5 iscritti: Igor Bischi - Alessandro Michi - Eros Di Pietro - Karlred - Romolo Scodavolpe
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Marzo 2025  
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Raccolte di poesie Raccolte di poesie
Lassù nel cielo di Berta Biagini
Introspezioni (viaggi nella psiche) di Anna Eustacchi
Nuovi orizzonti di Alberto De Matteis
Viento y fuego di Arelys Agostini

SpiegaPoesie riproposte
C'era una volta l'amore di Pierfrancesco Roberti
Minou di Sergio Melchiorre
La zia Adele di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
M’inchino! di Adele Vincenti
Intuitu personae di Stefano Acierno
Sul cuscino ... una rosa di Stefana Pieretti
Il tempo fucile di rosanna gazzaniga
Febbraio di Elena Spataru
Le voci di Pierfrancesco Roberti
Un balcone senza fiori di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini

I 10 autori più recenti:
Poeta Eros Di Pietro: 1 poesie
Poeta Romolo Scodavolpe: 1 poesie
Poeta Alicia Moondolly: 1 poesie
Poeta somesay: 5 poesie
Poeta Vladislav Prazko: 1 poesie
Poeta ac autore: 4 poesie
Poeta Marta Paolantonio: 1 poesie
Poeta Antonio Ivor Boatti: 3 poesie
Poeta Maria Grazia Cavini: 2 poesie
Poeta PostScriptum: 2 poesie

Autori del giorno
Autore del giorno Lara
(30 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Demetrio Amaddeo
(29 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Danilo Tropeano
(28 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Lara
(27 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Francesco Rossi
(26 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Mauro Santi
(20 Marzo 2019)

Autori del mese
Autore del mese Silvia De Angelis
(Giugno 2019)
Autore del mese Amara
(Maggio 2019)
Autore del mese Saverio Chiti
(Aprile 2019)
Autore del mese Franca Canfora
(Gennaio 2019)
Autore del mese Andrea Palermo
(Dicembre 2018)
Autore del mese Cinzia Gargiulo
(Novembre 2018)

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362 Poems in English: the collection of poems published in English

Only shy

Only shyI want to be happy
hands up!
Today it's the best day to cry
and so on,
upward with your shoulders,
say hallo to my…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 01/11/2016 05:54| 633

Once I dreamed

Once I dreamed
Even the most inspired painter
could never guess the colours
of those magnificent flowers
that grow among the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 15/09/2016 06:25| 1618

My faith

My faithOH my God!
where's my faith?
The one I had
when I was a child!
So much I loved you.
So much I believed on you,
and…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 08/09/2016 11:38| 1561

Blue memories

Blue memories  Magical shores
of salted water
and temptations oriented
to past seasons
find themselves lazy
while a hidden…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 04/09/2016 11:50| 641

Too old

Too old
When you realize
that years have passed
and you're alone
when you open your eyes...
Then you percieve
that time has…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 30/08/2016 09:07| 1596

A dream in a drawer

We shall make a dream in a drawer,
with the most real habits
and if it doesn’t want to open
we will be us in a…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 31/07/2016 12:03| 636

Free Spirit

Free Spirit
In the meaning of my name
destiny is my path of flames

it’ a perfect game
you lose or win
what you claim

Try to ignore
the evil 4 letters word
that gives sense to life

Loser or winner
if you wear a smile

will not be…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Carla Colombo 14/07/2016 00:15| 1253

The inscrutable

The inscrutableMaybe being a child,
smiling on a colorful beach
while on stage
they’re coming in succession
images of a lifetime
or…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 02/07/2016 09:51| 619


Vain  We are often afraid
of conclusions obtained
with unbearable lightness,
it's a miserable racket
the harmony which…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 01/07/2016 07:39| 539

Noise of keys

Noise of keysSound of keys,
a book to be written,
noise of keys
and you're already in your book,
bijoux restless of strange…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 28/06/2016 21:13| 603

I can't believe

I can't believe
My eyes are tired
to see the pain
to see the death, the hunger
and the sins of men!
I wonder why
evilness has gone so…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 14/06/2016 05:54| 1307

Old house

Old houseIt shall not be the brambles
nor the ivy that creeps over
the uneven fixtures
to prevent me from seeing it
as it was and remains
in my memories.
The ruins of time
are veils that
effortlessly remove
the memory
and the hand of the little…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Silvana Poccioni 04/06/2016 09:21| 1688

Brave giants

Brave giants  Neglected by the convenience
of careful steps
I see my dreams
as brave giants
and for them I care
about mild seasons…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 14/05/2016 13:00| 580


DearDishes of lingering wishes,
consumed souls
of old poets,
won't you change
any brightness
for a strong desire
in the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 13/05/2016 17:34| 583

The end of each brood

The end of each brood  The shadow of past
emigrates to places
related to incomplete levees
then it dives into soliloquies,
strange shapes of…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 12/05/2016 16:45| 651

Green shadow

Green shadowGreen shadow
of young beauty,
don't change my sorrow
for the echo of my pride
nor for the gaze
of a tomorrow
in…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 09/05/2016 18:06| 682

In the limbo of a numbness

In the limbo of a numbnessIn the limbo of a numbness
it doesn't even shake
a bird's sob
but it magnificent appears
the world revolved
solidly on…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 07/05/2016 13:57| 732

Modern man

Modern manYou could travel the history
in a handful of frivolity,
it lays in a nonsense
and universal solo.
The modern man
has…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 06/05/2016 17:11| 651

Petite fleur

Petite fleurOh my petite fleur
which, without name,
wet on your stem,
always rejoices hand
potential prejudice
by a wary…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 05/05/2016 17:17| 707

The shapes of the moon

The shapes of the moonIn a flash,
in different ordeals,
with a full background,
the dusk arrives quiet.
Grabbing the weight
we immortalize…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 04/05/2016 18:32| 616

A poem for Berlin

A poem for BerlinI was in both sides of Berlin,
the night
was gloomy and stellar;
I was wondering
about the future.
The past could not…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 01/05/2016 08:21| 721

Sweet twist

Sweet twistI stay here,
stay here
in a wild contraction,
above this silence
so precious.
You went away,
went away
where the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 29/04/2016 17:10| 643

Stunning grace

Stunning graceYou know,
when the world bleeds
its last revenues
there's always a mistake
for another disposition
carried by a…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 28/04/2016 17:54| 619

If i love you?

If i love you?
If I love you?
Do you wonder yet?
My heart beats just thinking of you
You gather my believe
you touch me with your caresses
you make me experiment heavenly joys
If I love you?
If so,
as you know that I can love
I ask nothing more
Do you feel…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Poesia inserita in una raccolta
Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 28/04/2016 04:26| 3673

Lovable dreamers

Lovable dreamersSomething was aching,
I was there learning for myself
and for the rest of the world
how to leave it.
my…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 25/04/2016 06:25| 610

Still spring

Still spring  It is still spring overnight
over things never said,
it's still spring
at the dull dusk
of my heart.
For these and…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 20/04/2016 16:41| 691


Variegated  French your footsteps,
as in the days of bright flowers.
The streets poised part ways
for elsewhere with a scent
to…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 19/04/2016 16:48| 643

Nothing is real

Nothing is real
I ordered a fable
in moments of silence
looking for release
a sublime love
and you arrived
you touching me inadvertently
With your singular affection
continuous instants
of unspoken words
free from future
free from…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Poesia inserita in una raccolta
Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 13/04/2016 02:56| 3805

In Berlin

In BerlinIn Berlin there are alligators
and a clear blue sky silhouetted.
Then there is the river
of peaceful dreamers
intent to…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 11/04/2016 18:40| 614

Call it fate

Call it fateWe should laugh,
not enough;
we could die
but alive.
I suggest to trust
at least
the only thing
so brave to fill…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 07/04/2016 18:06| 571

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362 poesie pubblicate in Inglese. In questa pagina dal n° 61 al n° 90.

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