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Viento y fuego di Arelys Agostini
Sorge il Sole ogni mattina di Alberto De Matteis
Minuzzoli di pane 2 di Berta Biagini
Sonetti Arcanici di Franco Scarpa
Un ‘emozione in volo di Rita Angelini

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Respiro tempo di rosanna gazzaniga
E chiove di Peppe Cassese
Un sogno di donna di Marco Vidotto
Parole di Stefano Acierno
Quando il destino di Elena Artaserse
Vulesse da’ (Festa dei Gigli di Nola) di Peppe Cassese
Presunzione di Silvana Poccioni
Bob di Stefano Acierno
Esalazioni dimezzate di rosanna gazzaniga
Pioggia e nozze a Rocca- Morreale! di Giuseppe Vullo

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Autore del giorno Lara
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362 Poems in English: the collection of poems published in English


Moon shines
in the night
Two silent cigarettes
in the cold air

Our eyes over the white stone
It knows
but…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Cettina Caliò 17/10/2008 09:53| 1984

Beyond description

I was born to love
And to teach love
I'm the mother and the daughter
The wise and naive woman
The strength and sweetness
The evil and the good live in me
Because I know that
One lives within the other

I'm the earth that breeds you
The bright…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Micaela Angelillo 17/10/2008 09:53| 957

Real Life

There's a light
we cannot see

There's a book
we cannot even read

Forget what human said
about life
about death
and…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Piga 15/10/2008 22:39| 819


The stars
Look at us
Pray for our freedom
Our happiness
Our future
And than
Nothing else
Just…leggiLeggi poesia
ForeverPoesia in Inglese
Poesia riproposta
Serenasilvestri 15/10/2008 22:01 3| 1000

Tired Soul

The rain is falling
on the last fragments
of your eyes:
i ran away.

I see
the river of your soul
flowing…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Mariagiovanna Scarale 10/10/2008 18:42 1| 2125

Thinking about you - Pensando a te

I never wanna be for you a reason of sadness, not at all
I think that I would rather hit my head against the wall.

Also I…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Angela 27/09/2008 08:53 5| 2147

Just Living again


Her eyes' gentle touch
still caresses my soul
heating up its struggle
against rules

Stolen glimpses
It's all shall I have
condemned to the shadows
of a hidden heartbeat


Is this a sign
from the unbelieved cross?
Is this a…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in licenza Creative Commons
Poesia in Inglese
Marcos D Ingaldi 19/08/2008 11:00| 1433| Poesia su 'Sulle sponde del lago'

Blue Grotto

Fragment of sky,
in a cave,
a dive
in the deep blue.
God’s bath!
Ethereal azure
Eyes strike.
Magic iridescences
Sublime abode.
In clear,
crystalline water,
Tiberius was,
Mortal days.…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franciscofp 30/07/2008 13:56| 3076

To The Heroes

To The HeroesTurning heads towards the blue sky,
stained with fair clouds about.
Meanwhile children ride,
sat people on the benches out.

Disfigured the sky cloudless:
now two grey birds dart
and feels down the body forceless
‘cause inside they went and it…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Francesco Pozzato 30/06/2008 18:11 1| 1211

Lost dreams / Sogni perduti

all over the world I have been looking for
something which was just behind the door

I couldn't take that when it has…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Poesia riproposta
Angela 29/05/2008 00:10 5| 1537

One day / Un giorno

will look after
all of us
you will be
gone away?
since your are
the best friend
we have
think…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Angela 13/05/2008 08:55 1| 1517

Nostalgia and sadness (nostalgia e…

I just want to know why
he wants to make me cry.
Am I so different?
Have I earned this treatment?…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Leclav 14/03/2008 14:58 1| 2302

Silly questions

does the sailor go? maybe you can try to guess
it, when he realizes that he has to leave the sea and
there is nobody who takes him out from his loneliness
so that he thinks he should never touch the land

does a little red…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Angela 31/01/2008 11:32| 1392

Nessun titolo solo il pensiero

If in this black sky the black gentleman lives,
inside a white cloud the true soul lives,
without destination it flies,…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Braveheartangel 26/12/2007 11:53 1| 1693


You have finally returned,
I believed to have lost you,
however is near the day
when you will lose me.

limited is the life of man,
who he believes to touch the sky,
and he forgets him to really live...

Empty hopes, futile…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Enrico De Marzo 22/12/2007 11:58 1| 4466

Mead ring

Do you remember the day
when there are met?
The clouds hided the sun
and they concealed your smile.

How can I forget? you were
my sun what pushed me to
love the life.and now that you
are nearby I don't try that love.

The soul can graze…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Enrico De Marzo 11/12/2007 16:41| 3980

Goodbye to a friend

Now it’s time to say goodbye
There will be a tear in my eye
I hope you are not going to cry
‘Cause I know you aren’t too…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Leclav 06/12/2007 22:24 1| 734

”Sense of liberty”last part:Seed of…

I will find my destiny
because in the deep
I have faith in the tomorrow.

Changes the time today,
the rays of the sun
strike my face, and
they caress my soul.

Augury of a better world,
the rays graze the ground;…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Enrico De Marzo 25/11/2007 11:40| 2819


Christmas is coming
a magic atmosphere
lights and feasts

Christmas trees
in every home
a sweet present
for every child.

A nice warm
and a smile
in every heart.

Good promises
and hopes
in every mind.

A loving wish…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Rime Scelte
Poesia in Inglese
Poesia inserita in una raccolta
Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Club Scrivere Franciscofp 11/11/2007 17:09| 8718

I wish i could fly

i want to be free
just give me two wings!

i'm gonna fly upon
the eternal sky

i know..it could be unwise
but i…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Enza 31/10/2007 18:16| 706

”Sense of liberty”second part:I…

I believe that this my life
it is brutally empty without you,
and this is my guilt.

Bad this gray day,
painted only from my tears,
and this is my fear.

Everyone of us sees the gray sky,…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Enrico De Marzo 23/09/2007 15:06| 2811

Through the park

In the dark... just a tear,
dreaming me in her arms,
through the park... without fear
that my heart could be…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Giordano 13/09/2007 21:34| 704

”Sense of liberty”first part:I can see

I looking at your eyes
and I see the ocean
of emotions that I cannot explain.

Can I dream your face?
you are my door
for a better world.

Augury of a new day,
the words graze the heart;
they are words of liberty.

Naked…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Enrico De Marzo 06/08/2007 14:34 1| 2440

The Call of Man (Giocando con Joyce)

Woman, for he said
From the rotten emotions
We left it in a hurgundy
A name, your name
It cry and the foam have repose
I…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Antonio De Rose 10/04/2007 00:03 2| 853

Back again

Dear myself, something has changed since tha last time

but not my breath, not my blood, not my sky

'cause I used to be…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Anonimo90 27/02/2007 21:02 1| 779

Human shock

Game over for the nature

living on the leaves

human shock!

Non so
dove sto andando…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Roberh 13/02/2007 00:24 6| 839

Dream of an unenarrable life

I wandered lonely as a cloud

beneath a tree, toward the south.

I was loving life, perhaps like a man;

now I'm dead…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Martina67 20/07/2006 14:38 1| 625

there's a starman

there's a starman waiting in the sky...
un sogno e una lacrima che vorrebbero…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Shadow 16/01/2006 11:18 2| 773

Poesia 4

You can see the light,
Can't you see?
That obscure, scary light,
That black sun shining
In you.
You move in a medieval…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Whitedevil 28/11/2005 10:35| 819

Poesia 3

And I thought if life has got a sense,
If it is sin or innocence.
I asked myself so many times
If others' pains are also…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Whitedevil 28/11/2005 10:35| 856

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362 poesie pubblicate in Inglese. In questa pagina dal n° 331 al n° 360.

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