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Raccolte di poesie Raccolte di poesie
Introspezioni (viaggi nella psiche) di Anna Eustacchi
Nuovi orizzonti di Alberto De Matteis
Viento y fuego di Arelys Agostini
Minuzzoli di pane 2 di Berta Biagini

SpiegaPoesie riproposte
Su materassi di frasche di granturco secche di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ladro di stelle di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Una vita si consuma, a goccia lenta! di Giuseppe Vullo
Attimi fuggenti di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Il nuovo anno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Il tiglio e l’abete di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ricordi d’inverno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Senza tempo di Stefano Acierno
Abbiamo tutti perso di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Quel povero antico mio Natale di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini

I 10 autori più recenti:
Poeta somesay: 2 poesie
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Poeta Marta Paolantonio: 1 poesie
Poeta Antonio Ivor Boatti: 3 poesie
Poeta Maria Grazia Cavini: 2 poesie
Poeta PostScriptum: 2 poesie
Poeta Lorenzo Vecchia: 1 poesie
Poeta Emanuele Gentili: 1 poesie
Poeta Pinkrosy: 12 poesie

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Autore del giorno Lara
(30 Aprile 2019)
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(27 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Francesco Rossi
(26 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Mauro Santi
(20 Marzo 2019)

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Autore del mese Silvia De Angelis
(Giugno 2019)
Autore del mese Amara
(Maggio 2019)
Autore del mese Saverio Chiti
(Aprile 2019)
Autore del mese Franca Canfora
(Gennaio 2019)
Autore del mese Andrea Palermo
(Dicembre 2018)
Autore del mese Cinzia Gargiulo
(Novembre 2018)

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362 Poems in English: the collection of poems published in English

My Lady Demon's bride

My Lady Demon's bride
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Nero 29/04/2010 00:16| 2913

Your lovely lips

I still feel and see
your sweet shy smiles
and warm rosy kisses

lingering softly
on your lovely lips
beautiful,…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Nizamettin Esen Haymanali 27/04/2010 00:14| 2163

What Autumn meant. (Di quel che sapeva…

What Autumn meant. (Di quel che sapeva l'autunno)Tell me about you,
what Autumn meant
to your eyes and about that foggy sky
which came down, like a curtain to the eye-…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Nunzio Buono 23/04/2010 11:23| 5230

All that you can't steal

The wheel is turning and it won't stop
And the world keeps move
And I'm staring from a train
Seeing the same stations
Over and over again

And sometimes I still cry
When I hear your name
But there are things that are mine
And yours, and…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sara Brayon 21/04/2010 23:02| 1319

From the eyes of the birds. (Dagli…

From the eyes of the birds. (Dagli occhi degli uccelli)I see them, the birds
buttoned to the wind
into the eyes the sky, the sea

from behind a kite
my thinking flight, wreathed
to my unaware land

of that much
I had not been
of my flowing step, restless seed

and in my depicted talking
I see…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Nunzio Buono 20/04/2010 15:21| 3191

Il Ballo di San Vito

Running Running Running
and never stop;
Running across The world
changing every day.
Occasional love,
occasional friends
occasional houses.
Jumping from a country to another
just leaving Creations behind.…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Chiara S 20/04/2010 12:30 1| 723


EMOTIONS AND ILLUSIONS (Emozioni e illusioni)
I wish not for
caressing fingers
but for
glanging eyes
that gently touch me
with a smile...
the emotion
of an illusion...

Non desidero
dita che mi tocchino
ma occhi
che mi guardino
con un…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Pino Tota 19/04/2010 13:49 10| 3861

Breaths... tonight

Breaths... tonight
The night breaths
on my neck
and I feel her sweet death's voice.
I love her, I love her mind
I love her solitude's good bye.

She's in silence
and open her big eyes
I want now to shiver of fear
I desire that she eat me

Because I hate
to…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Giorgia Spurio 16/04/2010 13:22 6| 4994

Into your depths (Nelle tue segrete)

Into your depths (Nelle tue segrete)I have been
in your dream this night
into your spring

and into the eyelashes of day
I have loved…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Nunzio Buono 14/04/2010 21:30 3| 5682

WISHLESS (Desiderio di niente)

WISHLESS (Desiderio di niente)
WISHLESS (Desiderio di niente)
Up to my neck
in days of a damp
dirty mud
and drizzle
a wet rag
on a rusty nail...
drips no more,

Sono…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Pino Tota 05/04/2010 11:37 12| 2712

A new meaning to life

Go, My Heart, and give a new meaning to life,
Be brave and leave everything behind.
As a breath of wind my world flies…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Sonia Matteodo 30/03/2010 22:27| 963


easter is
love and peace!
we're plyng and traveling
in the world full of fleswers
wii screaming at world
easter is
love and peace!…leggiLeggi poesia
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Raffaele Russo 26/03/2010 16:20| 1506

A sweet song for Easter time

Shallow reader, how can you deny that?
The time to make up your mind is running out
and the Easter sunrise already laughs in your face.
Don't look at me as if I were a threat,
bad spirits wander talking about
the most gracious way to extinguish our…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Rime Scelte
Poesia in Inglese
luigi88 25/03/2010 21:07| 5784

Then I think of you. (poi ti penso)

Then I think of you. (poi ti penso)When

is silence to speak
and into the eyes there run seasons
when lights were running

and among images, there were
the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Nunzio Buono 21/03/2010 23:22 1| 4971

Remember me

Remember meNow don't tell
keep your last word to the thought
so that you do not forget
that I have loved

and in that mouth
where…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Nunzio Buono 17/03/2010 22:17 1| 4899

A gleaming light

On your lips a stifled smile
crystal drops blear your eyes
absent glance, meditative
a wounded bleeding…leggiLeggi poesia
A gleaming lightPoesia in Inglese
Maria Gioia Benacquista 10/03/2010 11:30 2| 1165

THE WAY (Il tragitto)

THE WAY (Il tragitto)
My world in made of people:
distant, important and powerful,
fragile and miserable...
Every day
the same stage...
maybe different.
If I take off my mask
a new hand
will open
the case of my indifference.
But I'll stop...
After years
I…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Pino Tota 08/03/2010 13:28 7| 2416

The tree of dreams

Restless and puckish
in the courtyard
play the children,
apart a little girl
under an old walnut tree.

She looks…leggiLeggi poesia
The tree of dreamsPoesia in Inglese
Maria Gioia Benacquista 03/03/2010 10:37 1| 1184

Sunrise loves - Amori all'alba

Sunrise loves - Amori all'alba
It's dawn.
The last dewdrops
slip between
petals and leaves
to sweetly lie
on the ground
and slowly
the sun rises...
to embrace them


E' l'alba.
Le ultime gocce
di…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Pino Tota 28/02/2010 20:38 6| 2349

Two suspicions confirmed

Yesterday I stepped on the bus
and the driver had your eyes.
This is the final piece of evidence
that your folks are from here.

Ten years you've slept in my arms
and you still can't tell the colour of my eyes.
This is the continual…leggiLeggi poesia
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Pietro Roversi 23/02/2010 02:37| 3483

My love for you

My love for you started in bed
but it was not a red-
light district fling, rather it's been
a long affair of hearts umpteen,
a string of lovely pomegranates
(albeit of a few carates,
shelves all around and overhead,
and books - some read and some…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Pietro Roversi 22/02/2010 08:17| 3232

Swag, loot & contraband

Look how the shiny orange leaves
tumble down to the floor,
carrot cake pieces that cavort
in the stomach! I ate my slice and more.

If hunting pink is red,
is a hunting pavillion
vermillion? As if I had qualms
about appropriating the verse in a…leggiLeggi poesia
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Pietro Roversi 17/02/2010 00:50 1| 1814

The kindness of strangers

Foreigners, as a rule
are circus people:
way too lonely to resist a silent siege,
way too noisy to assist one with silence.
But rules are broken,
and accents are spoken in:
so why not just applaud
and stay on to see what's next?

Next, is the…leggiLeggi poesia
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Pietro Roversi 14/02/2010 00:42 1| 1895

From Hungary

Üdvözlet! Let's dive
into this language I did not
pick up yet (but give me five
days, and we'll rephrase this I bet),
this language you forgot.
I loved it from the word go,
from that radio
broadcast of Béla…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Pietro Roversi 09/02/2010 00:39 1| 3384

Dates for my diary

During the Napoleonic wars
Britain was isolated
from mainland Europe:
people became collectors
of seaweed and root vegetables,
and this tradition seems to have continued
well beyond the scope
of that need. Laver bread, sea kale, black
salsify are…leggiLeggi poesia
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Pietro Roversi 08/02/2010 18:57| 1860

What lasts

That of all people, you
should be impervious to the tale
of persistence and survival
told by the brass doorbells
(Middlemiss, Massie, McDonells)
and their old long forgotten mysteries!
Routines pass, last
less than their material supports,
which…leggiLeggi poesia
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Pietro Roversi 06/02/2010 12:34| 2989

A dream

A dream
I had a dream
you were here again
giving me your lovely words
promises of endless love.

It was so real.

It was…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Maria Gioia Benacquista 31/01/2010 11:10 3| 3471

Writer's pray

Writer's pray
Dear Spirit of Moonlight,
I'm begging you again:
stop biting my soul
and enter in my pen...
Hear my song, Goddess
and…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Sara Brayon 18/01/2010 15:05| 1325


Darkness of night
lays slowly down,
like a black cloak
spreads over land and sea.

Only stars dressing the sky...…leggiLeggi poesia
DarknessPoesia in Inglese
Maria Gioia Benacquista 11/01/2010 09:33 1| 3298

Burning ashes

Burning ashes

A little child was crying
beside his mother's body,
she was lying silently
she was staying dead.

He couldn't…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Maria Gioia Benacquista 06/01/2010 12:52 4| 1205

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362 poesie pubblicate in Inglese. In questa pagina dal n° 271 al n° 300.

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