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Raccolte di poesie Raccolte di poesie
Introspezioni (viaggi nella psiche) di Anna Eustacchi
Nuovi orizzonti di Alberto De Matteis
Viento y fuego di Arelys Agostini
Minuzzoli di pane 2 di Berta Biagini

SpiegaPoesie riproposte
Su materassi di frasche di granturco secche di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ladro di stelle di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Una vita si consuma, a goccia lenta! di Giuseppe Vullo
Attimi fuggenti di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Il nuovo anno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Il tiglio e l’abete di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ricordi d’inverno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Senza tempo di Stefano Acierno
Abbiamo tutti perso di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Quel povero antico mio Natale di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini

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Poeta somesay: 2 poesie
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Poeta Marta Paolantonio: 1 poesie
Poeta Antonio Ivor Boatti: 3 poesie
Poeta Maria Grazia Cavini: 2 poesie
Poeta PostScriptum: 2 poesie
Poeta Lorenzo Vecchia: 1 poesie
Poeta Emanuele Gentili: 1 poesie
Poeta Pinkrosy: 12 poesie

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Autore del giorno Lara
(30 Aprile 2019)
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(27 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Francesco Rossi
(26 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Mauro Santi
(20 Marzo 2019)

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Autore del mese Silvia De Angelis
(Giugno 2019)
Autore del mese Amara
(Maggio 2019)
Autore del mese Saverio Chiti
(Aprile 2019)
Autore del mese Franca Canfora
(Gennaio 2019)
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(Dicembre 2018)
Autore del mese Cinzia Gargiulo
(Novembre 2018)

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362 Poems in English: the collection of poems published in English

Only one hour

I’m at home and I’m alone.

I’d like being in Rome.

Only for one hour.

More time to arrive
than time to…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Franca Chiacchio 08/12/2011 21:17| 945

The rose and the facets of its beauty

The rose so perfect, so fragile yearly it grows freely.
A rose is given to family and friends,
A bond, a love that…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
rita recine 07/12/2011 22:53| 1012

I let you go

I must to delete you
from my life
so if you have removed me
I say good luck boy
for your trip
I imagine you’ll be happy
so even if you
you saw me and my eyes
in the same way sometimes
I still love you
in my solitude
but I have to delete you
so…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Rita Fausto 02/11/2011 00:44| 2674

There will be light

The world is grey, today,
the sky cries silently,
and still I know
there will be light, tonight...

I will watch the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Eleonora Grana 01/11/2011 02:15| 954

I saw

I saw... joy,
I saw pride in your heart and soul,
when we were so very small.
Our little feet running through the hall,
You stood so grand, so tall.

I saw ...the love you had for your family
It was perfect, not an anomaly.

I saw... the rain,…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
rita recine 31/10/2011 06:13| 680

The autumn season

Every flower flourishes,
Every leaf prospers
Autumn is a season with all of its glory
There are many scattered pictures lingering in my mind
Leaves are released from its branches,
one by one they drop,
Until the last one, it does not stop.

They…leggiLeggi poesia
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rita recine 28/10/2011 04:45| 788

Bring me

Bring me a tear,
from your Sicily, so I can sailing,
throw its wind, the heart
of my King.

Your tears,
like a lake,
in my mind flowing
in a windy wave.

So, I suppose,
bring me a lightning
in the soul,
as the sun,
when ended has, its…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Angela Faga 28/10/2011 00:44| 1322


Once I saw the loneliness in empty cups
be warmed in the showcase with stories
through colourful window kissed with snow avalanche
Both have joined hands
unusual to send a greeting
after I saw solitude in space
between stars and people
I decided to…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 17/10/2011 05:01| 1140


Darkness is in my soul
I dance with myself...
Here's always cold
but my ice burns.…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Nessuno698 04/10/2011 23:21| 970

It is not important

It is not going
and simply he has no luck
he can't change that limit human
not spent a mile with severe book on the head
now it is not important
he was drowned in salt water
saints heard not his appeal for help
each failure gave birth to…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 03/10/2011 21:58| 963


Hidden from prying eyes
intangible matter of wind
in cliffs opened into the gaps
of silence that the arc breaks
crucified by false moral
careful to whom does evil
printed on a cover
of a Featured book no more over
between the tears which you…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Lunabionda Valentina Di Caro 30/09/2011 12:23| 796


No blind reliefs
no dreamless nights
senseless ghosts no more.

Just the very first light
of my birth.…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
hummagumma 28/09/2011 21:22| 937

Harmony of the evening

I'm lost in your eyes
deepest of all the seas.
Like two bright stars
enlighten my ways.

You give pulses
at my heart
to beat

The expected increases
our desires,
but now i miss
your kiss.

You're the only reason
so i want to…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Luca Terrinoni 27/09/2011 21:08| 2381


This morning I thought inadvertently of your voice
which brings the seriousness of old trees
that they boast of thick shadows
this is your splendid, loved and forgotten voice
I am a little star that rises in the West
and in late hours
while others…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 23/09/2011 17:45| 2794

My Angel

I was lonely and alone,
but now my love is like a stone.
My senses you intoxicate,
you have opened the gate
of my heart.
You are the best.
I saw your face in the moon
and i stay so good.
Angel fallen in earth
you do beat my heart.
I want…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Luca Terrinoni 22/09/2011 23:00| 2222

L'alluvione dei silenzi / Silence's…

There is ash
and I'm looking kept breaths
between yours eyelashes

And today I picked
shadows' blossoms
from my vase
under the trees' trembling teeth

There is cold in front of grey sun
like the eye of a sheet
with smudged…leggiLeggi poesia
L'alluvione dei silenzi / Silence's flood
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Poesia riproposta
Club Scrivere Giorgia Spurio 02/11/2010 20:14 2| 8042

Even if you are not

Even if you are not
A girl who surprises
Indeed you are enough expectable
you dress in very pretty way
And waddle unwrapped
All your world is there
And you do not have other more

Even if the blue of this sky
He seems normal
And two lovers…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Rita Fausto 02/09/2011 21:39| 2758


I had fallen again.
Tears have run down my face,
Despair had shaken my
body, making me trembling
as a mad.

My happiness was hidden,
my smile was broken
by the shadows of the past.

But a star rose far away
lighting up the horizons of my…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Matteo Manigrasso 08/08/2011 23:51| 1158

I Lick My Bitter Lips

I lick my bitter lips
in a slow, unique movement
after the longest of the trips.
Your lipgloss is still there,
it brings within torment
and I wish to run it cannot find me where.

I look deeply inside the mirror
though of what I can see I feel…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Antero Lehtinen 30/06/2011 07:34 1| 2298

Far from home

Far from homeI remember
when I was young
living on the other side
back in time
how joyful things were
as far as I know
this is the only place that I called home

Now I'm stuck here
living like hell
no way I can remember who am I
no way I can remember…leggiLeggi poesia
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Al D 30/06/2011 07:34| 1047

My love

Oh my light, the sun is nothing compared to you
your eyes are the brightest stars
and your smile, is life for me.
Oh, you are so pretty, my love!
your mouth is so red
red like the purest blood
and your cheeks are vast deserts
where godly I lose…leggiLeggi poesia
My lovePoesia in esclusiva
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Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Emma Alongi 05/06/2011 22:09 1| 2598

Rebellious nature

The nest crushes you,
The walls friends kill you.
The wind blows
like a mad giant .

Fists of stones.
Beams falling on…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Alessia Stefania Lorenzi 24/05/2011 00:11| 1361


Limits ... the jagged horizon of symbols directed to the sky,
the end of what we have, the beginning of what we would,
the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Anima Nera 09/05/2011 10:48| 1307

Life artist's

My life
is on show
if you pass on here
I do not sell anything
that you already have
I can give you
a bit of me
and when
you'll watching on the clouds
full of tears
you will remember my song
you know my life
is like a morning
in…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in licenza Creative Commons
Poesia in Inglese
Rita Fausto 02/05/2011 17:44 1| 1523

The Black Knight

Black Knight

Running in the storm
Black Knight where are you going?
Your soul has not an human form
Wherever you go you'll be a foreign.

Black Knight
Closed in the dark armour
Falling down in the night
Only silence you could…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in licenza Creative Commons
Poesia in Inglese
Fabio Nattero 30/04/2011 10:44| 1264

Bubbles of hope

how many roads
i will do
for come back to you
i don't have many choises
i don't will know
when being in the true
I'm walking alone
under the rains
of the struggles and of the pains
but I'm sure
I'll arrive
and in your dreams
I'll…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Rita Fausto 23/04/2011 22:16| 1523

My Life

Warily... a summer wind
shakes the crimson cherries...
a welcoming sun is waiting for you
and you, pantingly... answer…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Anima Nera 03/04/2011 05:39| 1247

The Emptiness

The Emptiness
Raindrops mark my face,
I feel them... with sinuous gait they vanish.
A dropping of thoughts in mind,
I follow them ...…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Anima Nera 23/03/2011 15:54| 1235


I'm just here in my darkness
It 's my heart that speaks
You killed me
I'm shattered now
Bring me again
I learned to endure the pain and your lies
I'm waiting for you if you can still destroy me
I am like a rose without…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Shimi 23/03/2011 02:21| 2223


you to me are as
the fire that helps
to warm

you to me are as
pop music
that makes us feel

you to me are as
our legs
we hold
and make us stand…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Raffaele Russo 20/03/2011 21:46| 959

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