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Raccolte di poesie Raccolte di poesie
Introspezioni (viaggi nella psiche) di Anna Eustacchi
Nuovi orizzonti di Alberto De Matteis
Viento y fuego di Arelys Agostini
Minuzzoli di pane 2 di Berta Biagini

SpiegaPoesie riproposte
Su materassi di frasche di granturco secche di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ladro di stelle di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Una vita si consuma, a goccia lenta! di Giuseppe Vullo
Attimi fuggenti di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Il nuovo anno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Il tiglio e l’abete di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ricordi d’inverno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Senza tempo di Stefano Acierno
Abbiamo tutti perso di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Quel povero antico mio Natale di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini

I 10 autori più recenti:
Poeta somesay: 2 poesie
Poeta Vladislav Prazko: 1 poesie
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Poeta Marta Paolantonio: 1 poesie
Poeta Antonio Ivor Boatti: 3 poesie
Poeta Maria Grazia Cavini: 2 poesie
Poeta PostScriptum: 2 poesie
Poeta Lorenzo Vecchia: 1 poesie
Poeta Emanuele Gentili: 1 poesie
Poeta Pinkrosy: 12 poesie

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Autore del giorno Lara
(30 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Demetrio Amaddeo
(29 Aprile 2019)
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(27 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Francesco Rossi
(26 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Mauro Santi
(20 Marzo 2019)

Autori del mese
Autore del mese Silvia De Angelis
(Giugno 2019)
Autore del mese Amara
(Maggio 2019)
Autore del mese Saverio Chiti
(Aprile 2019)
Autore del mese Franca Canfora
(Gennaio 2019)
Autore del mese Andrea Palermo
(Dicembre 2018)
Autore del mese Cinzia Gargiulo
(Novembre 2018)

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362 Poems in English: the collection of poems published in English

L'impronta della sera - The mark of…

L'impronta della sera - The mark of the eveningFather
of you the image finds me
in every room

of when lit
was your light and the day
had still the eyes

into the watching
of my life the step

the mark of the evening
was the last answer to me

then the wind, which comes back to look for…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Nunzio Buono 14/11/2012 23:33 3| 5405

My Dear Verona

You're not far from the feelings fixed in me,
You're not screaming sure to change the hitching ring,
You’ve the chance to flick my book and find glee,
You’ve the power to do it now and chase the king.

I’m not allowed to plant a falling tree,
I’m…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Riccardo Zago 08/11/2012 21:58| 2033

The last chorus

The last chorus
of this song
is written on the wall
of our sweet
dark obscenity.
Your nipples
write notes
on my back
with the ink of passion
sticking to my thoughts
a runaway melody.
of my perverse fantasies
you are
while we sail
to…leggiLeggi poesia
The last chorus
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Moschini 04/11/2012 13:48| 5938| Poesia su 'Scivola tra le lenzuola il suo respiro'


Hands in chains
and the sweet
warm liquid
flows on your back
and your breast.
I watch it running down
with satisfaction
while my desire for you
closes my stomach.
But the wait is exciting
a cake to be eaten
and tasted slowly
like your…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Rime Scelte
Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Moschini 30/10/2012 21:46| 7764


I've been waiting so long
in this room of desire
for you to come.
It's raining outside now
while we stand
face to face
without moving,
the rest of the world
spins around us
and the sound of the rain
kickin' the windows
sprinkles the…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Moschini 03/10/2012 19:15| 4652


is the taste of your sleep
and light
is the slow catch of your waist
by my arms
while you're not aware
as you lay down
with your back facing me

is the sound of your steps
in the sand
while i remain in the foreshore
with my…leggiLeggi poesia
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Alessandro Moschini 15/09/2012 01:28| 3119

Black milk

Black milk
is your sex
from your black silk
to feed my desire.

under the charming
dark shadow
of your…leggiLeggi poesia
Black milk
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Alessandro Moschini 10/09/2012 10:48| 5378

Portrait of my madness

The portrait of my madness
has the colour of your skin,
the same pink tonality.

The canvas of my mind
has the shape of the bed
where you lay naked.

Canvas of passion and luxury
painted by you
in our hours of love
with the red of my…leggiLeggi poesia
Portrait of my madness
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Moschini 24/08/2012 08:53 1| 4017

Nude meal

(Your love
is a lone star
shining inside of me
with the light
of your moans).

Don't speak now
shine in this dark
and from this dark
show me the way
to arrive inside of you.

My desire of you
will be a white wolf
in the snow
that only…leggiLeggi poesia
Nude meal
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Moschini 16/08/2012 20:07| 4691


Love words
drip down
from your lips
on your breast
like sour- sweet juice
into the glass of time,
a moment…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Moschini 08/08/2012 19:27| 3201

Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon
I feel banish
in this empty life
hallucinating concoctions of ideas
needing a force
adhere it myself to believe
You're fire that burns in my mind
storm that drags senses
magic that enchants sadness
silent breath that stimulates my soul
life…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia inserita in una raccolta
Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 19/06/2012 21:15 2| 5066

The Sabbath

The Sabbath
A Demon nascent
witches and every guardian creatures
of precius ancient parchment
it will rise again in this night
of dancing occult knowledge

Here is the evocation
for the dark infernal God
in a ritual of rebirth,
Sex, magic and sabbatic…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Ismaele Pipi 27/05/2012 20:56| 915

Job war

I run under the snow,
the meaning you ask,
It's not given to know

I fight for my place,
among a cruel race

I live for the day,
what else can I say

And when I'm finally home,
Tired and alone,

To me I can say,
At least, I've a place to…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Marco Benini 23/05/2012 18:11| 887

You think of me

You called me from the other side
you think of me
your little finger stretched out
I retract the dew and cobblestone
I do bench
to climb
you reach it for a moment
because the hope in me
twice a day dies
and the third time materializing
you think…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 18/04/2012 23:23| 2590

Best wishes

Best wishes
to the dreamers of better
possible worlds

Best wishes
to the crowded surrounding
the breathing city

Best wishes
to destiny, the Unexpected
or just the word Maybe

Best wishes to you
my sailing fellow
to the deepest…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Ferrari 18/04/2012 06:17| 906

Uglier than ash

I'll be uglier than ash
if you forgive
If you throw the cloak of my face
If among the spears of sunset
beautiful dream sell a lie
If you receive malice that offers
uglier than ash to be
If you open the way back
which you consciously looking for a…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 14/04/2012 23:37| 2651

Speciale Ma se tu vedessi l'uomo che dorme…

Et voilà,
oggi è un giorno nuovo...
la tua anima,
fa' festa,
guarda le rose,
i fiori,
gli…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Club Scrivere valentinatortora 08/04/2012 18:58| 2950

Ode to something beyond

and my soul is floating over a grey wasteland
and your image is nothing more than that
and love is gone, my skin is nude in the wind
alone I'm forgetting your breathe, apathy

Apathy, wind

and my eyes are crying invisible…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Ferrari 05/04/2012 22:57| 2058

Ode to the desert

The wind is far, but unstoppable
It’s coming in turbulence
Upon palms, distant
Like intruders in the very magnitude.
Desert, with your silicate scent
And a calm vastness,
Slithering in myself
A Moon facing the Moon.


And my eye runs…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Alessandro Ferrari 05/04/2012 05:09| 912


SoulmatesI’ll give to my time
one last breath, I will look for your heavens,
It will be a trip without returning
the mirror on another world,
your eyes colour

They’ll be blessed moments
the voices of the shining Stars
I’ll try moments of glory in your…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in licenza Creative Commons
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Poesia con accompagnamento musicale
Poesia riproposta
Laura Maira 29/03/2012 11:52 9| 3205

Perfect flight

I am a bird nest in the south
when friends would leave me
will not break my impeccable flight
when my eyes will tie
will know my way
if you throw a stone at me
fire will be
without hesitation I will burn
I am a bird with a perfect flight
do not…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 22/03/2012 21:37| 1078

Apple Song (Apple of rounded eyes

Apple Song (Apple of rounded eyes
And so we are like restless souls
'n so we are,
Apple of rounded eyes

Orchestra and penguins,
real life comes in handy,
down through the tube

-and we will still have fun!

September is just ending,
happy Birthday my Apple,
don't you think…leggiLeggi poesia
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Nero 22/01/2012 12:05| 2955

Men and flowers

I cut them during a damned
movie of unusual ira
Nothing happens
to those are weeping
neither a flower suffers
just for having touch the ground
One dies everyday
without so many cutting
Look instead for a bandage!
Your blood is dripping
on the…leggiLeggi poesia
Men and flowersPoesia in esclusiva
Poesia in Inglese
Lunabionda Valentina Di Caro 16/01/2012 08:05| 715


Mother i blame...
all love and sweat
gone now to rot

there's plenty in the world
that rises and falls,
time cannot…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Paolo Ursaia 11/01/2012 22:33| 3165

Fear (Timore)

Passes this
between bitter flavors
but it is not over ...

I write for this
which saw
just pain ...

I'm afraid!

I have no eyes
for watchman
but a deep
need to love ...

I'm afraid!

I'm afraid
I also God
just…leggiLeggi poesia
Fear (Timore)
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Poesia in Inglese
Amedeo Falco Teophilus 10/01/2012 22:54| 2027

My love

My loveMiss Dance show
benign dressed

Is holding a bouquet
rose from the fresh
morning dew

Dance, dance
in the night
star that the sky is missing

What my mind it
fall in love,
leaving all pain
and its pain

Dancing, dancing lady
that…leggiLeggi poesia
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Amedeo Falco Teophilus 04/01/2012 23:15| 3371

Jewelry from the Stars

When the music is boring
when I do not have magical powers of expression
heaven will break
the moon will remain homeless
and the stars I…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Sanja Atanasovska 31/12/2011 21:00| 983

The simple boy of the land

For every season there is change.

The simple boy of the land lost his way.
Lonesome and low, had no home to go.
Fell asleep in the cold wet snow.

His garments all tattered and torn.
To whom was this child born?

Lost his flight, had darkness…leggiLeggi poesia
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rita recine 31/12/2011 15:37| 780

Woman with red shoes

I am a woman with red shoes
I sawed my root
I spent the splendor
and do everything to reduces the grief
But life is like a fire
or burn…leggiLeggi poesia
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Sanja Atanasovska 26/12/2011 22:59| 962

Humanity's pain

Between darkness and light
I see something bad
but right
I can see faces crying
no matter where
no matter why
many stars so far
without their shining ways
all it's lost
because we're lost
that's the humanity's pain
closed in an invisible…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Barbara 15/12/2011 15:32| 1059

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362 poesie pubblicate in Inglese. In questa pagina dal n° 181 al n° 210.

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