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Raccolte di poesie Raccolte di poesie
Introspezioni (viaggi nella psiche) di Anna Eustacchi
Nuovi orizzonti di Alberto De Matteis
Viento y fuego di Arelys Agostini
Minuzzoli di pane 2 di Berta Biagini

SpiegaPoesie riproposte
Su materassi di frasche di granturco secche di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ladro di stelle di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Una vita si consuma, a goccia lenta! di Giuseppe Vullo
Attimi fuggenti di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Il nuovo anno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Il tiglio e l’abete di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini
Ricordi d’inverno di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Senza tempo di Stefano Acierno
Abbiamo tutti perso di Giuseppe Mauro Maschiella
Quel povero antico mio Natale di giuseppe gianpaolo casarini

I 10 autori più recenti:
Poeta somesay: 2 poesie
Poeta Vladislav Prazko: 1 poesie
Poeta ac autore: 2 poesie
Poeta Marta Paolantonio: 1 poesie
Poeta Antonio Ivor Boatti: 3 poesie
Poeta Maria Grazia Cavini: 2 poesie
Poeta PostScriptum: 2 poesie
Poeta Lorenzo Vecchia: 1 poesie
Poeta Emanuele Gentili: 1 poesie
Poeta Pinkrosy: 12 poesie

Autori del giorno
Autore del giorno Lara
(30 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Demetrio Amaddeo
(29 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Danilo Tropeano
(28 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Lara
(27 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Francesco Rossi
(26 Aprile 2019)
Autore del giorno Mauro Santi
(20 Marzo 2019)

Autori del mese
Autore del mese Silvia De Angelis
(Giugno 2019)
Autore del mese Amara
(Maggio 2019)
Autore del mese Saverio Chiti
(Aprile 2019)
Autore del mese Franca Canfora
(Gennaio 2019)
Autore del mese Andrea Palermo
(Dicembre 2018)
Autore del mese Cinzia Gargiulo
(Novembre 2018)

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362 Poems in English: the collection of poems published in English

Abstracto XI

Abstracto XI

A simple word
without grief or glory
but that leaves
a feeling of forgetfulness.

A confinement,
that if you want
transmute your mind.

A silence you love
or a despair
that blunts the senses.


You love it, you hate…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 04/05/2023 02:38| 544

Die for joy (Morire di gioia)

Die for joy (Morire di gioia)
The bride has arrived
with a wonderful white dress
a small bouquet of roses
and much emotion in her chest

The wedding march
was filling the whole church
and the bride’s heart
was bursting with happyness

The bridegroom waited
in front of the…leggiLeggi poesia
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Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 06/04/2021 16:19| 575

Believe me

Believe me
Since you left me alone,
I can’t hide my sorrow,
Where have you gone?
Come back near me tomorrow.
Where the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 25/03/2021 06:49| 1070

I dont’ know (Deep Inside)

I dont’ know (Deep Inside)
I dont’ know if death
is a passage to new life
or if life is the residence for a infinite death.

I dont’ know if my existence
is the virtual game of an evil fantasy
or the out of tune song of a sad melody.

I search for answers
in the depht…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Vito Marco Giuseppe 21/12/2020 19:17 2| 1667

Abstract XIII

Abstract XIII
The jaguar roars in the heart of the jungle,
runs among trees that burn furiously,
it is followed by the monkey the wild boar and the panther,
while the toucan, the macaw and the parrot,
fly over the area seeking refuge.

Il giaguaro…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 01/11/2020 23:13| 1159

Abstract X

Abstract X
I entertained
inside the distress
and despair
while the suffering brought me down.

Moving away from everything
I plummeted ...

I fell ...…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 01/12/2019 06:50| 1793

Abstracto IX

Abstracto IX
Put yourself in my shoes for a second
and imagine yourself.
Imagine the wonder of finding you
Without medicine and without food.

Imagine, imagine yourself,
shaken by the cry of a child
asking for some milk.

Imagine their tears
his sad…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 23/11/2019 02:59 1| 1407

Abstract VIII

Abstract VIII
In Rosario they walk
my neighbor’s children
have seen the father die
in famine agony
while in prostrated groan
they watched over the mother.
Resigned Advent
inside outraged country
where fans swarm
embedded in hate
and threatening voices
of…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Arelys Agostini 12/11/2019 21:26| 1493

It seems to me Amore
It seems to meWhen I hear the wind
blowing so strongly
it seems to me you’re here!
When the clouds move so quickly
and change the…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Rime Scelte
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Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 09/06/2016 05:46| 4858

Kiss me so much

Kiss me so much
I feel inside me
an ancient song
that blends into my mind

They are the most beautiful words
I’ve never heard and sung
under voice, slowly
when we were young

Kiss me so much, it says
while a tear is flowing
it is a poignant…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 23/07/2019 17:57 1| 1821

Unstable corner

Unstable cornerFeel the desire,
feel the acquaintance
with a drop
in the past
which probably
is lingering too much;
stay deeply…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 02/03/2019 09:57 1| 870

In Cairo

In this oasis of Egypt
I admire your greatness
immense strech of sand
and treasures of Aegis power.

The door to the…leggiLeggi poesia
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Daniela Moscatelli 16/02/2019 22:57| 1109


se anche tu
guardavi al cielo,

bambino ebreo.

il pianto straziato
di tua madre,

ed eri
solo un numero.

un mattino di Gennaio,

lassù, verso
le stelle.

vento, e nulla più.

Tu sei
l’imperituro…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere valentinatortora 27/01/2015 18:13 3| 3229


FairyVoices of kisses behind a mountain,
voices of floating oceans
and dancing acrobats,
even the time
has its walls
you just…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 23/12/2018 08:40| 931

Even Christmas

Even ChristmasEven Christmas has shadows
maybe blue as your gleaming eyes
and winter can be so strong,
so impossibile to dry
so my…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 22/12/2018 10:44| 897

Go further

Go furtherIf I can go on
I can go further;
sometimes it’s blue
even the winter
and now it’s crazy
all the loneliness I felt
when…leggiLeggi poesia
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Luca Falangone 19/12/2018 17:26| 979

The way I miss you

Although you’re
in my heart,
I miss you
Although you’re
present in my life,
I miss you
I miss the air you breath,
the water you drink,
and the sun that warms you.
The stars, the moon the sky,
that are above you
I miss them too!
Even the words…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 17/08/2017 03:06 2| 4205

Tell me how

Tell me howThe universe immensity
isn’t enough to hold
all the love and beauty
you inspire inside my soul.

You brought into my life
something so fresh and new
that makes me feel alive
it’s something I never knew!

Perhaps you’ll never read
the words I’m…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Franca Merighi 28/07/2016 10:14| 3149

Ungrateful unsuitability

Ungrateful unsuitabilityThey grind words
but it is not wine
which speaks to me,
it is not the wind
which brings them,
it’s an…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 15/09/2018 10:16| 887


HypocrisyHypocrisy is multiplied,
the rain falls on the tiles,
they are broken
the loves of wild hearts
but with the rules…leggiLeggi poesia
Poesia in Inglese
Luca Falangone 08/09/2018 20:38| 886

Lock Ness

Lock NessScottish poets
inellate verses
as to sigh
pretty girls
while the rain
impregnates velcros
of heavy hats
of radiant…leggiLeggi poesia
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Luca Falangone 25/08/2018 20:49| 886

Spazio e tempo

Se l’ arcobaleno
della vita
non sempre porta
i colori del Mare, io, no
io no
non posso
scordare ciò per cui
fui generata.

Se mia figlia
mi potra’ trattenere.

Molto è il guardare,

molto il soffrire.

Oh lucenti stelle,…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere valentinatortora 22/08/2018 00:28 1| 2114


ScotlandI’d like to be in Scotland,
I’d like to spend some time
between majestic wonderings;
I fancy that it’s because there
the…leggiLeggi poesia
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Luca Falangone 09/08/2018 15:44| 841

Il canto delle maree Amore
Si fermò,
presso le rive
del suo Mare.


Io ho dato,
ma nessuno m’ha voluto ascoltare.
I miei versi
andran perduti,
senza i Poeti ad ascoltare,
ed altri
rose più fresche
di me...
Non importa.

il canto delle…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere valentinatortora 16/12/2014 20:54 2| 6213

Poetic forms

Poetic formsA delicacy is missing
giving a little respite
to melancholy,
parsley is missing
to this uniform planter
of people too…leggiLeggi poesia
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Luca Falangone 17/06/2018 09:10| 1008

Once more

Once more
I would like to dream of a better time
to see your eyes again
and squeeze on my heart.

Once more
I would like to take your hand,
breathe your scent
and tell you that I love you.

Once more
I would like to hear your voice,
admire…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Vito Marco Giuseppe 09/05/2018 06:05| 2597

I wait for you Paky

I’m waiting for you, my beautiful Paky,
I need your heart to live,
of your eyes to be able to dream,
I pray every day to see you again,
I miss the light of your eyes
to illuminate my endless nights.
You are an angel descended on Earth
that has…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Vito Marco Giuseppe 27/03/2018 10:05| 2620

I want

I want to feel your red lips
slip on my skin,
your soft breast
fill my warm hands.
I want to be your man,
make you happy
every moment of life,
give you a kiss
every time you smile.
I want to undress you slowly,
I want to make you taste
the…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Vito Marco Giuseppe 17/03/2018 11:36 2| 2482

Don’t look for me

Don’t look for me
when it will be too late,
when I’m old and tired
and the light in my eyes
will be turned off.

Don’t look for me
when my heart has closed every entry,
when there will be no way out for us
and every remembrance
will have…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Vito Marco Giuseppe 25/02/2018 12:05| 1640

A breath of life, clean air

A breath of life, clean air
A deep breath,
a splendid thought.
Immersed in peace
in the silent snow
that gently settles.

The sun hides behind the mountains,
a warm and radiant light
it tickles me curiously,
a small smile
pervades my face.

The air is colored by…leggiLeggi poesia
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Club Scrivere Vito Marco Giuseppe 24/02/2018 12:05| 1624

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362 poesie pubblicate in Inglese. In questa pagina dal n° 1 al n° 30.

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